This Is How I Get My Investment Ideas

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 18, 2018

Back when I was a teenager, making my very first trades, I used to get my investment ideas by reading articles in Forbes, checking out the financial section of the paper, or looking on the internet — which was then just a skeletal prototype of what it is today. 

It may seem futile to get cutting-edge ideas from mainstream media sources like that, but for me, at least back then, it worked. 

Quite well, in fact. 

I guess I just had a knack for recognizing what was going to go the distance and what was going to go nowhere at all. 

As the years went by, however, things started to change. 

I built my network and my knowledge base, and more and more people started to listen to what I had to say, and soon enough, I found myself inundated with ideas from sources that I never even considered would play a role in my day-to-day operations. 

Instead of going out and looking for ideas, I started to get flooded by them day and night from investors, venture capitalists, fund managers, and business executives. 

Being on the Inside Comes With Problems

Here’s the problem with this new paradigm: These are no longer objective, disinterested members of the media giving me information. 

Now they’re people who all want something: to sell me on an idea. 

Over the years, I’ve grown jaded to this fact. I’ve become painfully aware that some of the smartest, richest, most persuasive people out there are people who want something from me, which makes the information they offer less valuable. 

In this business, bias is the difference between a well-kept secret and a sales pitch. 

Which is why whenever I take these calls — and I tend to take fewer and fewer of them with each passing month — I do so with the understanding that I’m being sold. 

But one call I received a few months back reminded me of why I was in this business to begin with.

You see, ever since I was that teenager, searching for ideas by sifting through articles in the press, I’ve dreamed of discovering the next greatest thing. 

More Than Just Money

Sure, I wanted to make some money off of it, but my real goal was to insert myself into the nucleus of something important… something world-changing… something that, decades later, I would be able to tell my kids and grandkids about.

As I grew older and got used to being “talked at” by these salesmen, I never imagined that the exact conversation I was waiting for might happen one random Wednesday, as I was getting ready to start chopping firewood for the impending winter. 

A fund manager buddy of mine implored me to take the call. I trusted the guy — which is a sliding scale in this business, but at least I knew it wouldn’t be a total waste of time. 

So I got on the phone with the CEO of a tiny tech company.

I spent 30 minutes on the phone with him. 

And when hung up, I realized my life would never be the same again. 

This was the call I was waiting for.

The CEO, unlike almost every other CEO I’ve ever spoken to, wasn’t just a salesman; he was a real engineer, a scientist. And the discovery he had made would change the way dozens of industries created products, not just for decades to come, but indefinitely.

Products that range from the motorized watch on your hand all the way up to the motors in the oil tankers that deliver millions of tons of oil around the world every day.

His single invention would change, on a fundamental level, the way we generate electricity, as well as the way we use that electricity in thousands of real-world personal, commercial, and industrial applications. 

You want raw numbers? Here they are: This man’s invention affects 50% of our power consumption in terms of kilowatt-hours and an astounding 99% of our power production. 

This isn’t a typo or some hyperbole. This is the truth. This is why after a few minutes on the phone with him, I realized I’d stumbled upon the discovery of a lifetime. 

Not just as an investor, but as a consumer as well. 

You might be asking yourself, what on earth is so fundamental that a single change can make such a difference?

Billions of Machines Worldwide Depend on It

Well, it has to do with the most basic electronic mechanism we use today. 

It’s in every cell phone, every computer, every MRI machine, and every automobile. It powers literally every mass transit train functioning anywhere in the world today. 

It powers every modern submarine, every modern tanker ship, and it’s circulating the air in the house, apartment, or office you’re sitting in right now. 

On top of that, it also governs the performance of every power generator in existence, from those churning away in the hearts of the oldest coal-fired plants all the way up to the newest, most cutting-edge wind-driven turbines. 

The problem is that the mechanism at the heart of all of these machines has been living with a built-in flaw since its very advent. 

And for almost 200 years, this flaw has been overlooked… until one man found a solution…

The same man who I found myself talking to on an afternoon when all I wanted to do was split some firewood and relax. 

Talk about a twist of fate. 

I want to tell you all about that conversation, the device, the man, and the huge implications it will have on humanity in the decades to come. 

Click here, and get the full story.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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